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Raise money for your favorite cause

Give the gift of inspiration through motivation in honor of sisterhood

Register your Organization

Signing up is super easy. Just click the button below to get started, fill out a short registration form, and you'll be start your fundraiser within 24 hours. Using the Purposeful Thoughts Self-Care Card Game as your fundraiser will give you the opportunity to give a gift that supports a woman's self love journey. Starting each day with a positive affirmation and power word will inspire through motivation. We've taken the pain out of the process so you can get started in a hurry. So, fill out your registration form and get started! Don't worry, there are no fees, no minimums and no obligations. 


Share Your Link

Once you register and get your organization's very own, personalized fundraising webpage, you're ready to start promoting your fundraiser. Send that link around to family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, friends of acquaintances... frankly, anyone on focused on their mental health. Even though it's a fundraiser for you, it's a tool for those on their jouney of strengthening their self love. They'll be so thrilled you sent them that link, that they'll probably come back for seconds. So don't be bashful... shout your organization's link via text, social media, and WhatsApp.


Collect 50% of Sales

So, once the hard work is done, your funds will start to grow. As people buy card sets, you automatically earn 50% of every sale. Every sale counts towards your total. And at the end of your fundraiser, you'll receive a check in the mail. It's that easy



"What an easy way to raise money for our girls. We met our organization's fundraising goals. It was empowering to give the gift that keeps on giving."
Nahlia Sheyle
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